Archive for January, 2006

  1. Why Is Bush So Nice
    To Palestinian Terrorists?

    Sunday, January 29th, 2006

    “One must wonder why the Bush administration supported the transfer of Jews out of Gush Katif. Why should he not have supported a Jewish enclave remaining in Gaza? Does the President not realize that he champions the racist, apartheid, Judenrein policy of the PA?”

  2. Columbia University’s So Called “Divestment”

    Thursday, January 26th, 2006

    “If by divestment the companies would be compelled to return the value of the shares, this might possibly hurt the companies. But divestment doesn`t mean that at all. In practice the university must simply find another buyer for its holdings.”

  3. Why Do Self-hating Jews Remain Jews?

    Wednesday, January 25th, 2006

    “No one compels Rose to be a Jew. Why doesn’t he just stop being Jewish? He doesn’t even have to convert. Like so many others he could just cease being a Jew. Wouldn’t that lift the intolerable burden of his need to scathe Israel at every turn?”