Archive for September, 2006

  1. Ben Wedeman`s Biased
    CNN Documentaries

    Sunday, September 10th, 2006

    “No. For both Wedeman and the Palestinians share the same view. That the latter have the right to carry out terrorism against the Israelis. That`s only to be expected and human. “

    But Israelis, naturally, have no right to prevent, deter or respond. That, CNN viewers are taught, is inhuman.

    Hey, be sure to email me if you ever come across a pro-Israel CNN documentary from Wedeman, will you? I wouldn`t want to miss it.

  2. Target Israel. CNN Strikes Again

    Sunday, September 10th, 2006

    There was this sad farmer at the fence pointing to his agricultural holding across the way. Before Israel had intruded its anti-terrorist barrier into his life it had only taken 5 minutes to get to his land. Now he was forced to a crossing point where he was checked and searched. So it took him all of 45 minutes to get to his land. CNN wanted the world to see what terrible people these cruel Israelis occupiers are.