Archive for May, 2010

  1. One Nation`s Capital Throughout History

    Friday, May 14th, 2010

    Although Islamic dynasties controlled Jerusalem for some 1,300 years, they never once made it the capital of an Arab state. Even Jordan, which controlled part of the city for 19 years, until 1967, refrained from making it its capital. Furthermore, Jerusalem is never mentioned in the Quran, Islam`s most holy book.

  2. Mind Bogling Facts About Israel

    Friday, May 7th, 2010

    Author unknown Geography Israel is only 1/6 of 1% of the landmass of the Middle East. Israel is roughly half the size of Lake Michigan. The Sea of Galilee, at 695 ft. Below sea level, is the lowest freshwater lake in the world. The Dead Sea is the lowest surface point on earth, at about […]

  3. What will Arabs do if they don`t sell their oil?

    Friday, May 7th, 2010

    April 6, 2010 The Editor, The Jerusalem Post. Sir, The Arabs fought us 3 times in the past 62 years and lost each time. They had three war aims. One, to push us into the sea or into mass graves. Two, to increase the size of their territories. Three to wipe Israel off the map […]

  4. Why The Arab/Israeli Conflict Remains Intractable

    Friday, May 7th, 2010

    By Dr. Alex Grobman There are many attempts to understand why the Arab/Israel conflict remains unresolved. Among the reasons advanced for this impasse are: years of suspicion, fear, feelings of injustice and stereotyping have created a psychological barrier between Israelis and Arabs.1 Negative perceptions have reduced incentives to accept peace proposals, prejudice the viability of […]

  5. The legal basis for Israel’s existence

    Wednesday, May 5th, 2010

    By Prof. Jack Cohen The two extreme views of the West Bank situation are the liberal view, that the Palestinians are a poor, colonized people who were there before Israel was founded and who deserve a state of their own, and the religious view that the land was promised to the Jews in the Bible, […]

  6. Why Warren Buffet Chose Israel

    Tuesday, May 4th, 2010

    By David Soakell Amid the gunfire this tiny country, the size of Wales and with a population of just under 7.5 million, leads the world in developing and exporting green technologies that could save the planet. Ironically it is precisely because of its precarious position that such eco-inventions have flourished. Surrounded by hostile neighbors, with […]