Archive for May, 2006

  1. How UNWRA Perpetuates
    Arab Refugee Status

    Tuesday, May 16th, 2006

    “The Arab League insisted that the Arab refugees in the neighboring Arab states be herded into refugee ghettoes, not to be absorbed by the countries to which they fled. Only Jordan permitted their integration. The Arab League successfully pressured the UN to support the refugees โ€โ€œ to provide for all their needs. The saga of the United Nations Relief and Works Agency for Palestine Refugees, UNWRA, had begun.”

  2. Can Jews Dominate
    World Politics and Finance?

    Monday, May 15th, 2006

    “How on earth can any group of Jewish individuals dominate such titanic economic forces? How insufferable is the paranoia of anti-Semites who strive mightily to keep alive a conspiracy that never was and never will be. Compelling us nevertheless, to continually refute their infantile poisonous fantasies.

    “How can Jews, however intelligent, educated and smart they may be, play a dominant role in the turbulent sea of world economics? More to the point, why would smart, intelligent, highly educated Jews even consider pursuing such an uneducated, unsmart, unintelligent, idiotic idea?”

  3. Israel Did Not Kill
    Mohammed al Dura

    Thursday, May 4th, 2006

    From the one location where Israeli soldiers are known to have been, the only way to hit the boy would have been to shoot through the concrete barrel.

    But photographs taken after the shooting show no damage of any kind on the side of the barrel facing the al-Duras – that is, no bullets went through.

  4. Did Judas Betray Jesus?
    Did Christianity Betray Judas?

    Wednesday, May 3rd, 2006

    “The New Testament narration of Judas as betrayer has been the direct cause of the death of millions of Jews at the hands of faithful Christians. It is a shameful history based on a preposterous fabrication which distorts the truth about Jews in the time of Jesus.”

  5. BBC Reporter Expresses
    Solidarity With Palestinians

    Wednesday, May 3rd, 2006

    โ€œThe Jerusalem Post reported today (24.05.2001) on a Hamas gathering to honor journalists โ€œfor the special role they have played through their cameras, pens and skills, as well as through their rare courage and daring by their joining the nation struggling fiercely against the enemy.โ€ย