Palestinian war aims and demands

The Editor, The Jerusalem Post.


The Arabs fought us 3 times in the past 62 years and lost each time. They had three war aims. One, to push us into the sea or into mass graves. Two, to increase the size of their territories. Three to wipe Israel off the map of the world.

Genocide was their master plan and they made no bones about it. But they were frustrated each time because we fought back and beat them.

So now they want to claim the spoils of their war losses by demanding that we return the land we conquered. And though we are willing to talk to them they cannot abide talking to us.

In civilized societies criminals guilty of breaking the law are fined or imprisoned, or both. Our enemies did us wrong and deserve to be punished. But Arab nations don`t see it that way at all – they want to punish us for their wrongdoing!

The nations of the world who believe in this remarkable value system are patting them on the back and encouraging them to stick to their guns. Because where Arab oil is concerned they win right or wrong. And tough cookie for Israel.

Though what the Arabs will do for money if they don`t sell their oil beats me.


One Response to “Palestinian war aims and demands”

  1. jock Says:

    Dear Jock,

    It is very simple – when the oil era runs out on the fatuous fatheads, they starve. Unfortunately for about twenty years everybody will pay through the nose for the few diminishing oil supplies there are till it becomes too expensive for everybody.

    Given it will be a job for the US in the post oil era to find substitute energy to run their farms there is not going to be US & Canadian grain surplus to buy – even if you have money – for a number of years till enough oil berry plantations come on stream and gazogene technoogy is well enough revived to at least power tractors and combies on agricultural waste.

    Yours, Frank Adam