Why do Israeli advertisers hire design studios
instead of ad agencies?

The Letters Editor,
The Jerusalem Post.


Re: Issamar Ginzberg`s Tips for Entrepreneurs column (December 19, 2011).

As a retired copywriter (35 years in South Africa) I was intrigued and delighted to read Issamar Ginzberg`s Tips for Entrepreneurs column (December 19), mischiefly titled โ€œGraphic designers, please ignore this columnโ€ย. Ha!

Ginzberg`s tips are all spot on. Israeli advertisers could do themselves a lot of good by cutting out this fine essay and making sure their design studios read his excellent advice before preparing their next ad.

Allow me however, to add something from a copywriter`s point of view.

Why do advertisers hire design studios instead of ad agencies? Design Studios generally produce good artwork but copy is mostly poor and ineffective.

Ad agencies have an innate understanding of marketing. They know that while good artwork is essential to draw attention to ads, persuasive benefit copy does the selling.

Many English ads seem to suffer from the fact that they are translated from Hebrew. There is far too much reliance on information – far too little on user benefits and sales persuasion. Such ads make me cringe.

The best solution is to have an English copywriter edit the translation. Better still perhaps, to write the ad anew.

Sincerely yours,

Jock L. Falkson

One Response to “Why do Israeli advertisers hire design studios
instead of ad agencies?”

  1. Rabbi Issamar Ginzberg Says:


    Thank you so much for writing such kind words about my Jerusalem Post column.

    I appreciate it! feel free to get in touch directly as well.


    Rabbi Issamar Ginzberg