Israel Must Save Its Informers

February 17,2005

The Jerusalem Post today reported “Abbas okays (3) ”˜collaborator` executions”.

This is most upsetting at a time when Israel has negotiated a cease fire with Mr. Abbas, President of the PA. (Or rather the Palestinian Terrorist Authority as they deserve to be called.)

The report added that Abbas had approved death sentences on scores of others and that at least 51 Palestinians are on death row.

Coming when Israel is preparing to release 500 terrorists purely as a goodwill gesture, the intended executions of these 3 men is outrageous ”“ a political slap in the face to which Israel must respond.

I believe Israel should accept that the men did help Israel settle accounts with Palestinian terrorists. In doing so they helped save Israeli lives. Israel should do everything possible to save theirs.

This is a particularly good time to tell Abbas that he should reciprocate Israel`s goodwill with goodwill from his side. He must set the men free to continue their lives in Gaza or be deported to Israel. As either choose.

Israel must act honorably. It will be morally wrong to keep quiet as if this matter does not concern us. We should have no hesitation in accepting the immigration of our informers and their immediate families if they are no longer safe.

It is also the smart thing to do if we want to continue using informers. Anyone who thinks there will be no need for future collaborators might be badly mistaken.

I wonder . . . will Arab Knesset members speak up for their freedom . . . or death? {} {} {}

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