I Support Jerusalem Post’s
Call For Pollard’s Release

21March 2013
The Letters Editor,
The Jerusalem Post.

Dear Sir,

Re: Your Editorial on Releasing Pollard

Your truly excellent editorial (“The buck stops here”, Mar.21) in support of Israel`s favorite cause ”“ calling for the release of Jonathon Pollard, was certainly well timed. Our hapless spy has now been in solitary confinement for nearly 10,000 days.

Whether President Obama will read your editorial or be informed about it, is unlikely. His recent comments on Pollard give us no cause for optimism. Nevertheless Israel must not stop appealing for Pollards release because it is the right thing to do. So do it we must. I suggest however, that a daily based PR campaign be added. <BR><BR> A series of “Release Pollard” advertisements should be prepared by a top ranking US advertizing agency and placed daily, on the front page of the most influential American newspapers. Ad size should be about 5-8 inches, double column, in papers like the New York Times, Washington Post, Los Angeles Times, Wall Street Journal, Daily News New York, Chicago Tribune and USA Today, to name a few.<BR><BR> The ads should be financed by Jewish organizations like AIPAC and or Jewish philanthropists like Adelson. Copy should give reasons why Pollard should be released - as presented in your editorial. There are of course additional valid arguments.<BR><BR> The Speaker of Israels Knesset should open each session with Pollard`s daily count. And synagogue cantors worldwide should also be asked to announce the Pollard count at the beginning of all services.

The bullheaded Russians gave up on Sharansky after a concerted PR campaign for his release. And finally allowed well over a million Jews to leave after an unremitting “Let my people go” campaign.

I believe Obama will fold a lot sooner than the obdurate Russians – why would anyone want to be the object of daily, never ending, valid criticism?

Yours truly

Jock L. Falkson

Note: Above letter was not published.

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